Posts Tagged ‘Andrea Schlapia’

The Adventure of an Ingenious Life

May 31, 2015

Ingenious cover final webI love putting together collaborative books. Coming up with an interesting topic and then gathering a group of fascinating people to share their stories and perspectives. The Adventure of an Ingenious Life: Follow Your Creativity Through Doors of Opportunity is filled with stories from some very cool people.

Readers will learn from the experimentation and reinvention shared by eight authors, Traci Long DeForge, Robert David Duncan, Rebecca Ewing, Jodi Hersh, Vanessa Lowry, Ricia L. Maxie, Andrea Schlapia, and Renee Seals, along with more than forty additional contributors with diverse careers and interests. Each walked through a door—or several—to fashion the life they each have chosen.

Nearly twenty years ago, I clipped an obituary eulogizing a woman I didn’t know. The headline described her, in her eighties, as an “adventurer.” That spurred my imagination to live life as an adventure—one where I followed my creative curiosity and personal passions to connect with intriguing people and to use my experiences as stepping stones. I believe life is filled with opportunities to choose. Whether your current road is one of ease or lined with difficulty, it will soon fork. You’ll have the chance to opt again.

The book is dedicated to all who have chosen to live an ingenious life . . . and those who are just realizing they have the power to choose. In addition to author and contributor stories, the book includes an extensive section of resources to inspire readers with listings of books, blogs, articles, podcasts, videos, and social media links.

Buy your very own copy of The Adventure of an Ingenious Life here.

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