Archive for June, 2015

True Identity

June 9, 2015

True Identity frnt cvr final webI met author Jennifer Brommet nearly ten years ago through a loosely organized group of fellow graphic designers. She is also the founder and director of the nonprofit True Identity Ministries. Short on time and understanding two design heads are sometimes better than one, Jennifer contacted me to help with the formatting and publishing of her book.

An added bonus for me was learning about Jennifer’s childhood and how her faith has impacted her choices in life. In the book, Jennifer shares her own difficult journey from severe rejection and depression to freedom and joy in embracing her TRUE identity in Christ and how she felt called to start True Identity Ministries.

Born with a cleft lip and palate, Jennifer felt like an ugly duckling throughout her childhood. Her first reconstructive surgery took place when she was seven and her final surgery the year she was twenty-one. Jennifer’s mother told her the story of the ugly duckling becoming the beautiful swan. Since she felt the swan symbolizes her journey, Jennifer drew a beautiful swan that we incorporated into the cover and as chapter headings of her book. Jennifer says, “Swans remind me of how God sees me and they also remind me of my mother and the special love she had for me.”

Continuing the swan theme, I created this graphic of wings that was used to identify a key segment in each chapter. Double wing

I was thrilled when Jennifer’s book was nominated for the Georgia Author of the Year Award (GAYA). The GAYA ceremony has the distinction of being the oldest literary awards ceremony in the Southeastern United States.

Go here to find out more about Jennifer and True Identity Ministries.  Paperback and Kindle versions of True Identity are available on Amazon.

Contact me to discuss how I can help bring your book from concept to creation. Or, let’s talk about your marketing and graphic needs. Call me at 678-521-8820. Find out more about me by visiting my LinkedIn profile.