Posts Tagged ‘Balboa Press’

Keep Going

November 8, 2013

Keep Going book coverI trained in martial arts for twelve years and multiple times in every class we said the Japanese phrase Osu, which I was told means “never give up.” When researching the background of the word, I found this article which clarifies what my sensei was really teaching was to “verbally remind yourself to breach your comfort zone by putting your physical/mental limits to the test every time you say Osu.

It has been my experience that, at times, the circumstances of life becomes the test. Sometimes, I’m too exhausted to summon the strength for Osu. If you’ve been there, consider substituting this term—Keep Going. Even though an event or situation causes a direction to change, you can still choose to take a baby step forward. Keep Going feels hopeful and proactive.

That is what Aimee DuFresne’s book titled, Keep Going, is about. The first chapter begins with the shattering news of police officers coming to Aimee’s door in the middle of the night to tell her that her beloved husband Ben had been killed in an accident. Subsequent chapters intersperse the story of how she and Ben met, fell in love, and married, while concurrently sharing the shock, despair and rediscovery of her new life as a chef and coach as Aimee chooses to keep going. The subtitle says it all—From Grief to Growth.

I’m grateful that Aimee chose me to design her book cover. Here is what she says about working with me.

“After writing my first book, I was excited to get it published and share it with the world. But when I got my first draft of the cover from the publisher, I was devastated to see our visions for the project did not align. As such, I started looking for an outside cover designer. In my search, I found a lot of people who were interested in my business but not the vision or energy behind it. My book was my baby and the cover the first impression to the world. After hearing from a designer my project was ‘doable’ in an email, I was about to give up hope. Then I met Vanessa.

“Vanessa took the time to talk to me on the phone and get a real sense of the message I was sharing. She followed up when she said she would and kept me informed of her process and progress. She let me know when she was, and was not, available. She was a joy to work with as we went through drafts and revisions. She made everything easy.

“Then I got the final copy. I cried.

“It was the most beautiful cover I had ever seen. My vision had become a reality. Thank you, Vanessa.”

 My pleasure Aimee! One of my favorite parts of being a designer is helping a client bring her vision to life. Here is a link to purchase your own copy of Keep Going. You might also need a box of Kleenex handy… just sayin’!

Find out more about Aimee and join the “Keep Going Movement” at Sign up for her email list and receive a complimentary checklist, “9 Winning Ways to KEEP GOING (Even When You Don’t Want To or Don’t Think You Can).” Aimee also hosts a radio show, Vital Lessons: Feeding Your Body, Mind and Soul. Aimee and her guests—leading health, wellness and lifestyle experts—guide you to clear the clutter from your outer life and calm your inner chaos.

Contact me to discuss how I can help bring your book from concept to creation. Or, let’s talk about your marketing and graphic needs. Call me at 678-521-8820. Find out more about me by visiting my LinkedIn profile.